Students are up against unique challenges this school year. Communities In Schools is ready to help them succeed.
Since 2001, Communities In Schools has served local students by employing caring, dedicated site coordinators who are trained and ready to help them tackle barriers like poor eyesight, lack of shoes or clothing, food insecurity, social/emotional stress, and many more.
In the aftermath of COVID and its wide-reaching impacts, students are up against unique challenges this school year. As we make every effort to provide them a caring adult and access to community resources, would you consider supporting our organization through a monetary donation?
We have a goal of raising $15,000 – donate today to help us reach our goal so we can help our students reach theirs’!
Potential ‘Ready, Set, Grow’ expenditures may include:
- School Supplies
- Socks / Underwear / Clothing
- Kleenex
- Hand Sanitizer / Clorox Wipes
- Laundry Detergent
- Body Soap / Shampoo
- Deodorant
- Feminine Products
- Internet Access Fees (Situational)
- Transportation Assistance (Situational)
- Food Supplies
- Snacks at School
- Mental Health Resources
- Etc.
(Please note, this list is not comprehensive. CIS will spend funds based on highest need and priority among the case-managed students it serves.)