Moriah is smart, hardworking, and stays far from trouble. She gets good grades and comes to school every day. For the last couple of years Moriah has been a frequent guest in our CIS alternative lunch room. Richmond High School students who do not want to eat in our large school cafeteria are welcome in the smaller, quieter CIS room. Students in the CIS lunchroom come from all the stereotypical teen social groups and Moriah has played a wonderful roll in that diversity. She happily joins conversations and listens respectfully with all the students no matter their social group. She is a wonderful example to some of the students struggling with poor choices and a friend to some who never thought they were noticed. Moriah is kind, thoughtful, always pleasant, and extremely generous. Words cannot express the beautiful heart she possesses.
Last semester, Moriah announced to the lunch room that she and her family had made the decision to allow her to graduate as a junior. She increased her course load and worked hard to make it happen. She shared her goals with the group while they cheered her on. Moriah plans to enter the workforce after graduation and in the future continue her education. She hopes to work as an office assistant, but knows she will have to start from the bottom and work hard to move up. Moriah will be leaving as a wonderful example to so many Richmond High School students. Moriah, without a doubt, made a positive difference on every student she rubbed shoulders with.